Lowongan Kerja Lampung PT Winosa Mitra Bharatadjaya

Table of Contents
Infolokerlampung.Net - PT Winosa Mitra Bharatadjaya Business consultancy and IT offshore company focusing on providing support to businesses of international clients.  Saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk menempati posisi sebagai:
1.    Fullstack Developers/Programmers
2.    QA Tester
3.    Internship / Part time (Programmers, QA Tester, Digital Marketing)
  • Graduated (1, 2) or Final year student (semester 5/6, Part time) / Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Computer Science / Information Technology
  • Understanding of testing automation, scripting, regression testing and commonly used tools (QA Tester)
  • Experience in using of the following tools (Jira, Automation Testing tools; Selenium, Robot Framework)
  • Basic knowledge of one or more of the following skills:
    • Back end programming (PHP, Laravel)
    • Front end developing (Vue.JS, Javascript, HTML, CSS)
    • Database system (MySQL)
  • Good speaking in English is mandatory (7/10)
  • Passion in web/mobile application development (Programmers)
  • High attention to design details, usability and user experience
  • Strong analytical and excellent problem-solving skills
  • Able to work individually as well as within a team
  • Willing to learn, adaptive and responsible
  • Honest and willing to move to Bandar Lampung
Berkas Lamaran:
  1. Surat Lamaran Kerja
  2. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
  3. Foto Copy KTP
  4. Foto Copy Ijazah dan Transkip Nilai
  5. Pas Photo 3x4
  6. Data Pendukung Lainnya
Baca Juga | LoKer Lampung Field Collector Bank Mandiri
Cara Mengirim Lamaran
Jika anda memiliki kualifikasi diatas, Kirimkan CV dan Lamaran anda ke Alamat
PT Winosa Mitra Bharatadjaya
Perumahan GMP Blok C8, Tanjung Baru, Bandar Lampung (Jl Manunggal no C8)
Info 085839261747 
Arin Via Form pasang lowongan
15 Oktober 2021

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